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Sea Bass

The sea bass are found along the west coast of Jutland from April till November. The sea bass come close to shore and are often in shallow waters, except for during winter. The first dorsal fin and the gill cover both have needle-sharp spikes, so handle with care.

Because the sea bass are such aggressive hunters, and therefore attack with enormous force, fishing for sea bass is the most exciting angling you will experience in Denmark. The absolute high season for sea bass fishing, is July, August, and September, during all hours of the day. Fish during calm weather, or eastern wind, because it is next near impossible to fish on the west coast, during a western wind.

The gear needed, and the approach, is the same as with seatrouts, which is why they are often a much-appreciated side-catch when fishing for seatrouts. Sea bass often reside near piers, reefs, and groynes, which is also where you fish for seatrouts.  However, you need to be vigilant when fishing on the west coast. There can be a strong undercurrent and the large ships might project large and unexpected waves towards the beach. Fishing from a float tube is also possible, but calls for even more precaution – there is a very long way to England!

Minimum length for a sea bas is 42 cm and there is a limit of three fish a day.